Read and enjoy history in the making,
enjoy this day, the beauty of the words
the millions of people marchinhg along a new avenue ,
larger and longer than Pennsylvania,
opened by Obama's strong commitment ,
for the hope in a new world, in the togetherness of love and joy,
because a new era has just begun,
and all of us have been called by this brilliant, warm-hearted man
to do our duty to achieve the old still unfulfilled dream of mankind
of living in peace all over the world
and inside each of us.
Tears ran down my cheeks
as I was watching him speak and a sweet warmth wrapped my heart .
All of a sudden,I felt I was an enormous being
touching the skies with my wide open arms,
my legs standing apart
strongly placed on today's hard soil of fear and discomfort.
Then, from the bottom of my soul,
where permanently a river runs
through a green valley,
from the roots of flowery beds,
first only a murmur,
then gradually growing to a deafening cry
of despair and hope,
I cried and my cry echoed through all the universe:
The time is now.
Tomorrow will be too late.
Outside my window, as I write these words,
on a cold Winter morning,
in a quiet little town,
amid the planes of Portugal's Alentejo,
I heard what sounded like the soft wings of the sun
tapping on the window pane.
But it was just Elizabeth Alexander's hand
stretching through the glass.
pulling and leading me
to the kingdom of light.
I hope I'll soon hear
your footsteps
going the same way.
António Simões, Estremoz 21,2009
3 comentários:
ainda há quem tenha esperança......ainda bem.....assim......que nos reste alguma coisa.....muito embora eu mantenha algumas reticências ,apesar do espírito humanista de Obama
mas ,como São Tomé ( salvaguarda.se a minha formação católica ) "ver para crer" ......vejamos ,então!
mas deixo.lhe um beijinho extensivo ,obviamente ,ao António Simões
Também sou um pouco como S.Tomé, mas ... querida Maria Gabriela, se nos faltar a esperança na Esperança, o que nos irá sobrar ??
Coragem, Amiga !
Beijinhos e obrigada pela visita .
Quase não tenho dúvidas , a política externa mudará pouco...
Mas , espero de esperança que alguma coisa mude !
_________ JRmarto
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